Saturday, September 18, 2010

On writing

The Boy is back in school and back to hating the act of writing. Although his fine-motor skills are excellent, he dislikes the mechanics of writing as well as the creative part. As a professional writer, I'm totally horrified that my oldest child is so bothered by writing. But as a professional writer, I completely understand his point of view! Procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate, yell, cry, pound the table in frustration... then sit down and begin to writing. 

That's kind of how I feel about this blog these days. Its purpose was to record all the fun stuff I did in Chicago with The Boy, The Girl and The Tot (who is no longer a tot). But the days of exploring museums on a daily basis are pretty much over for me. I see a lot of moms with infant-filled strollers and belly bumps in and around where I work, near the Tribune tower; day trips to Lincoln Park Zoo and the Peggy Notebaert, and annoying commuters by schlepping a stroller onto the CTA in rush hour are their domain now.

I've been writing this blog since 2006. I'm not in it for money, fame or a book contract. Although there's often long stretches between posts, I am not ready to give this blog up. I'm pretty sure I still have a lot to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been blogging since it was called online journaling, back at the dawn of time. While I haven't written a proper entry since I was pregnant (a year and a half ago?!), I totally understand what you're saying. My Livejournal site is mostly ignored these days in favor of Facebook but I have all these entries in me. I also would love to take the time to fill my days with fun activities with my daughter. Hopefully, when I get more vacation time, I can. Such is the life of a working mom!
