Tuesday, February 03, 2009

On fait le conaissance de Kenley*

* We met Kenley today!

The Girl, The Tot and I trekked up to Schaumburg this afternoon to meet Cara, Grace and Kenley at the giant blue box. In the latest installment of "How small is Chicagoland?" we ran into B., F. and G. in the lobby as we were putting our coats in the free lockers and chatted for a bit before Cara & crew arrived.

We all had lunch, dropped the girls into Smalland and did a bit of shopping. Kenley seemed to like The Tot, who tolerated K's hugs for the most part. Unlike The Boy and The Girl, The Tot has not spent a lot of time with Cara -- and he was not a fan. It's bizarre; I've never seen a child who doesn't love Cara before. But The Tot apparently had to prove a point, stubborn little bugger. The four of us managed to do all of our shopping (bookcase for her, IVAR shelf for me) while the girls were in Smalland. I bought The Tot and The Girl each an ice cream at the end of the trip, and they both fell asleep on the way home.

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