Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Out for the Count

I spent nearly all of last week housebound, taking care of The Girl, The Tot and The Dad, all of whom were sick. I did sneak out for an hour of sanity-restoration on Friday afternoon, stocking up on super cheap fabrics for Lazy Days Skirts and cloth shopping bags at Jo-Ann. I also went to pottery class on Saturday morning and finally had a breakthrough in my ability to both center clay on the wheel and make a few cylinders. I want to make a salt pig, because I don't want to pay $30 for an Emile Henry one. There's only so many wonky bowls a girl can make.

Despite the 3-day weekend and no classes/plans, I regret to say that our big outing was on Sunday afternoon, when I took The Boy with me to Blockbuster to get videos, and to Trader Joe's to get groceries. It wasn't what I would call "quality time," but The Boy seemed to enjoy having my only-slightly-divided attention. He was very helpful.

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