Friday, December 19, 2008

Crossing California

The Boy, The Girl, The Tot and I had a Crossing California afternoon. We got all suited up in our outdoor gear, loaded up The Great White Moose with sleds and the bilibo, and headed north to the new sled hill at Warren Park.

The bilibo did not work as a sled, as it turned out, but The Boy and The Girl went down many times on our old red plastic sled. They were so cute -- they'd go down together and then carry the sled up the stairs, The Boy leading and The Girl holding the tail end of the sled. The Tot was not such a fan of the sledding; I knew that going in: he's really too young yet. I went down twice with him. The first time, we fell off (although he never fell directly into the snow) and he screamed the whole second run. The kids sledded for about an hour before the combination of annoying oblivious-to-anyone-else teenagers, The Girl's fatigue, The Tot's hunger, and The Boy's cold pushed us on to something else.

That something else was hitting up Wolfy's on Peterson for hot dogs and fries, with a cheeseburger for The Boy, who said he was really hungry. The Tot's mood improved considerably once he got some food in his stomach, although The Girl was really tired and kept spilling -- her drink, the ketchup, etc. No one fell asleep in the car on the way home, but they all went to bed by 7!

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