Friday, May 30, 2008


I've been spending a lot more time at home lately. I don't know if it's scheduling (always have to drop off or pick up some little person) or the price of gas ($4.50/gallon -- eek!) or something else, but I can't seem to find the time/motivation to go on many excursions with the kids of late.

Today, we jammed with Julie in the morning. Although The Girl initially wanted to stay for the second class, when she saw all of her friends leaving after the first class, she changed her mind. The Baby was in desperate need of a nap and was taking chunks out of my shoulder with his teeth, so we skedaddled at the start of the second class. But not before I had a chance to catch up quickly with Lynn A., who runs the OIPA parents' committee, sits on the Belding LSC, and has generally been very helpful on the schools front. She's also a fellow Illini alum. Her son and The Girl are the same age.

Caroline D. called to tell me that her son moved out of his #2 slot on the waitlist for Disney II and had been accepted. Hooray! I hope this means that the #1 slot holder also got in; if so, The Boy will know at least four other kids next year. It's certainly not a requirement to know someone before K, but it will ease the transition for my slow-to-transition Boy. Also, I got an e-mail this evening saying that The Girl has been accepted into the free/state pre-K at Disney II. She will be thrilled. She has been quite upset that she doesn't get to go to Disney until she's 5, which seems a long time away when you've only just turned 3.

I unwisely look three kids with me to Sears to pick up a new rotator belt. We also checked out digicams, washing machines, and refrigerators. The Baby was very interested in the bank of TVs showing music videos. He kept wandering over there at every opportunity.

On the way home, we saw a giant white Dunkin Donuts inflatable cup hooked to the top of the new Mobil station at Irving Park Road and Pulaski Avenue. The Boy and The Girl and I speculated that its presence means the Dunkin Donuts/gas station is opening soon. We are very excited about this prospect. If a mom & pop donuts-and-coffee shop opened, we'd gladly give our business to them, but if we can only get chains, we'll take what we can get in this neighborhood.

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